Transgender victims, like all victims of sexual assault, want and deserve to be respected, heard, believed, served, and supported. This guide will help you do just that.
- About This Guide describes why the guide is necessary and offers a list (by no means exhaustive or authoritative) of common transgender-related terms.
- Transgender 101 covers the basics of what it means to be transgender. If you need a general understanding of transgender-related issues, read this section first.
- Sexual Assault in the Transgender Community reveals the quite high rate of sexual assault within the community and also covers community ramifications.
- Tips for Those Who Serve Victims is where you'll find provider-specific advice on how best to serve transgender victims of sexual assault.
Whether you are a health care provider, law enforcement officer, emergency medical personnel, sexual assault advocate, therapist, or support group facilitator, this guide will help you deliver culturally sensitive, respectful care when working with transgender victims and their loved ones.