A Conceptual Model of Help-Seeking by Black Americans After Violent Injury: Implications for Reducing Inequities in Access to Care
Take Action Against Trafficking of Black Girls
New Video on the Intersection of Juvenile Justice and Sex Trafficking of Black Girls
How to Support Male Survivors of Violence: A 5-year Initiative
National Resource Center for Reaching Victims
The Center is a one-stop shop where victim service providers, culturally specific organizations, criminal justice professionals, and policymakers may get information and expert guidance to enhance their capacity to identify, reach, and serve all victims, especially those from communities that too often have less access to healing services and avenues to justice.
Increasing Access to Healing Services and Just Outcomes for Older African American Crime Survivors: A Toolkit for Enhancing Critical Knowledge and Informing Action Within the Crime Victim Assistance Field
New Resource Available for Those Serving Older Black Crime Survivors
U.S. Department of Justice: Hate Crimes
This website provides information and resources on hate crimes resources for victims of crime, law enforcement, media, researchers, advocacy groups, and other related organizations. Visit this website for resources and services in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog, Arabic, and Japanese.