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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Justice system

Comprehensive Services for Foreign-Born Human Trafficking Victim-Survivors

Geographical Areas Served
  • Hennepin County
  • Ramsey County
Indicates all geographic areas to which services are provided, excluding states. See States Served.
States Served
Indicates all applicable states in which services are provided.
Funding First Awarded

OVC FY24 Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
The goal of this program is to provide services that address the needs of minor victims of sex and labor trafficking through a continuum of trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and gender-responsive services to ensure their safety, security, and healing and to prevent them from being directed to or involved in the justice system.

Trauma Informed Linkage to Care (TLC) Clinic

Geographical Areas Served
  • New York City
Indicates all geographic areas to which services are provided, excluding states. See States Served.
States Served
Indicates all applicable states in which services are provided.
Funding First Awarded

Services, Training & Outreach to Prevent Trafficking Together (STOP-TT)

Geographical Areas Served
  • Camden County
  • Cape May County
  • Cumberland County
  • Gloucester County
  • Mercer County
Indicates all geographic areas to which services are provided, excluding states. See States Served.
States Served
Indicates all applicable states in which services are provided.
Funding First Awarded

OVC FY 2023 Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
The goal of this program is to provide services that address the needs of minor victims of sex and labor trafficking through a continuum of trauma-informed, culturally relevant, and gender responsive services to ensure their safety, security, and healing and to prevent them from being directed to or involved in the justice system.

OVC FY 2022 Developing Greater Understanding of the Needs of and Resources for Victims of Criminal Justice System-Related Harm

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This program seeks to better understand the service needs of persons harmed by a justice system error or failure; develop best practices to identify these victims; determine whether services currently exist that can meet the needs of this population; and offer recommendations for appropriate service delivery, resources, partnerships, and tools.