Deadline Extension Deadline: 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Friday, April 16, 2021
JustGrants Application Deadline: 12:00 p.m. eastern time on Friday, May 7, 2021
The goal of this program is to provide safe, stable housing and appropriate services to victims of human trafficking.
The program will support—
- transitional housing, including funding for the operating expenses of a newly developed or existing transitional housing program; and
- short-term housing assistance, including rental or utilities payment assistance and assistance with related expenses.
Projects must also include support services designed to enable victims of human trafficking and any dependents to locate and secure permanent housing, find employment, and integrate into a community.
The Office for Victims of Crime expects to make 25 awards of up to $600,000 each for a 36-month period of performance to begin on October 1, 2021.
Pre-Application Webinar
During a pre-application webinar on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, OVC staff reviewed solicitation requirements and conducted a question and answer session with interested potential applicants.
Number of Awards: 26
Total Amount Awarded: $15,352,775
2021 IRC Maryland Anti-Trafficking Housing Project (MATH Project)
Brigid's House of Hope - Restorative Safe Housing for Victims of Trafficking
- Statewide and Accepting Clients from Surrounding States
Central Valley Against Human Trafficking project
- Central Valley Region
CHNJ Transitional housing for victims of human trafficking
Eagles' Landing - housing assistance for victims of human trafficking
Enhanced Housing Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking (EHOST)
Holistic Housing Support for Victims of Human Trafficking
Housing and Employment Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking
Housing and Rental Assistance Program (HRAP)
Housing assistance and supportive services for survivors of human trafficking
- Fairfield County
- New Haven
- Accepting Referrals from Across the State
Housing Assistance for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Housing Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking
- San Diego County
Housing Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking
Housing Assistance Program
- City of Chesapeake
- City of Franklin
- City of Norfolk
- City of Portsmouth
- City of Suffolk
- City of Virginia Beach
- Accomack County
- Northampton County
- Southampton County
- Southern Parts of the Isle of Wight
Housing Assistance Program for Victims of Human Trafficking
Housing Stability Program - Delaware
Human Trafficking Housing Project
IRC in Tallahassee's Survivors Housing Assistance Program 2021
- Bay County
- Calhoun County
- Franklin County
- Gadsden County
- Gulf County
- Jefferson County
- Liberty County
- Leon County
- Taylor County
- Wakulla County
Our Family Services Victims of Trafficking Support Program
Red Cord Initiative
RENT - Restorative Environment for a New Transition
RISE Above Project (RAP)
Short-Term Housing Assistance and Employment Supports for Victims of Human Trafficking
Transitional and Short-term Living for Victims of Sex Trafficking
Transitional Housing Assistance and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Southeastern Kentucky
Second Deadline Extension
OVC has extended both deadlines for this solicitation.
Deadlines Extended
OVC has extended both deadlines for this solicitation.
SF-424 Clarification
View changes regarding the SF-424 that OVC made after the initial release of the solicitation.