Technical assistance (TA)
Building a Human Trafficking Program: Resource Guide
Labor Trafficking Resource Guide
National Center for Culturally Responsive Victim Services
Delivering Impact through Effective Grants Compliance and Oversight
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Exploration of Challenges in Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services: Focus Groups with Victim Service Directors
Human Trafficking FY 2020-2022 Grantees: Performance Measurement Training
This recorded webinar is for Human Trafficking victim service providers and Enhanced Collaborative Model task forces funded by OVC in FY 2020 and forward. It provides information on the performance reporting requirements, report types and due dates, and how to access and navigate the PMT platform for reporting purposes. View the webinar presentation slides.
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AMBER Alert in Indian Country
Building Successful Human Trafficking Cases Using Digital Evidence: Investigative Tools for Law Enforcement
OVC Center for VOCA Administrators Launch: Remarks From OVC Director Kristina Rose
In this video, OVC Director Kristina Rose announces the launch of the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators. The Center provides technical support to strengthen the capacity of VOCA Administrators to administer VOCA formula victim assistance and victim compensation funds—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation. Visit the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators website.
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Improving Community Preparedness to Assist Victims of Mass Violence or Domestic Terrorism: Training and Technical Assistance Program
This OVC-funded project provides training, technical assistance, and support to help communities augment their existing emergency response plans to ensure they effectively include immediate and long-term protocols and strategies to support victims of mass violence and domestic terrorism. Organizations can apply for no-cost assistance, watch on-demand trainings, and view resources on topics such as family/friends assistance center planning and donation management protocol.
Funding Opportunities: Apply for Funding to Enhance Services for Victims of Crime
National Elder Fraud Hotline
National Elder Fraud Hotline Microsite
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services - Template Package II: Protocols and Documentation
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services – Template Package III: Student Interns & Volunteers
Privacy & Dignity: A Guide to Interacting With the Media
Evaluation of Training and Technical Assistance During the "Complex Homicide" Project
Promising Practices: Multidisciplinary Responses to Complex Homicide Cases
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims (ELERV) Strategy, Second Edition
OVC TTAC Human Trafficking Action Research Toolkit
How Can We Best Educate Others About the Impact of Violence on Boys and Young Men of Color? Research and Recommendations for a Public Education Campaign
Best Practices for Training Frontline Violence Intervention Workers
Law Enforcement
Learn about OVC efforts to support for programs which help law enforcement officers compassionately and effectively meet the needs of crime victims.